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Tutoring in Turkish

Individual, interactive, inspiring – that’s what makes learning Turkish fun!

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Turkish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and knowledge of this language opens up numerous opportunities both personally and professionally. At MyOnlineTutor, we offer tailor-made Turkish tutoring programs that aim to improve our students’ language skills and deepen their understanding of Turkish culture.

Many students are aiming for official language certificates such as the Turkish ÖSD or the TÖMER. As a school, you can offer support in preparing for these exams by offering special courses or additional support from experienced tutors.

Our tutoring for all educational levels at a glance

Turkish tutoring for native speakers of primary school age

Parents, give your child the key to a promising future with Turkish tutoring for primary school students at MyOnlineTutor! We understand how important it is for your child to build a strong foundation in the Turkish language in order to succeed in a globalized world. Our qualified tutors will support your child with patience and expertise to ensure that they not only master the language, but also develop a deep understanding of Turkish culture.

Prepare your child today for the world of tomorrow with Turkish tutoring for primary school students at MyOnlineTutor! In an increasingly networked world, a command of several languages is becoming a decisive advantage. Our courses not only offer the opportunity to learn Turkish, but also to develop important skills such as intercultural communication, flexibility and critical thinking. With our innovative learning methods and highly qualified tutors, your children will not only be prepared for school, but also for the demands of the modern world.

Topic overview

  • Introduction to the Turkish language and writing: Basic knowledge of Turkish, learning the alphabet and simple words and sentences.
  • Turkish culture and traditions: Learn about traditional festivals, customs and stories from Turkish culture.
  • Everyday vocabulary: Important words and expressions for everyday life, such as greetings, forms of politeness, numbers and colors.
  • Simple conversations: Have basic conversations such as introducing yourself, asking for directions, ordering food, etc.
  • Turkish songs and games: Sing traditional Turkish songs and play games to learn the language in a fun way.

Turkish tutoring in the intermediate level

In middle school, students face new challenges and growing demands, especially in the area of foreign languages. Our Turkish tutoring courses offer students the opportunity to improve their language skills, build confidence and achieve their academic goals. Through interactive teaching methods, individual attention and a supportive learning environment, students are encouraged to develop their full potential and consolidate their Turkish language skills. With MyOnlineTutor they will not only be successful at school, but also develop important skills for their future life.

Topic overview

  • Advanced grammar: In-depth study of grammar rules, including verbs, adjectives, pronouns and sentence structures.
  • Everyday conversations: Have more complex conversations on topics such as family, school, hobbies, travel and leisure activities.
  • Reading comprehension: Reading and understanding texts, including short stories, newspaper articles and simple literary texts.
  • Writing skills: Writing short texts and stories, composing emails and letters on various topics.
  • Cultural immersion: Further insights into Turkish culture, history, music, art and literature.

Turkish tutoring in the upper school

Our courses are specially designed to give you the best possible preparation for your exams. Our tutors are very familiar with the requirements of the upper school and will help you prepare for your exams.

With us, you are the center of attention. Our tutors focus on your individual strengths and weaknesses and develop customized learning plans that are tailored precisely to your needs.

With experienced tutors, customized learning plans and a variety of resources, students will not only improve their language skills but also develop a deeper understanding of Turkish culture and history. At MyOnlineTutor, they will not only succeed academically, but also grow into open-minded and culturally sensitive individuals.

Topic overview

  • Advanced grammar and syntax: Deepen complex grammatical concepts such as tenses, sentence structure and indirect speech.
  • Literary analysis: analysis and interpretation of texts by Turkish writers and poets.
  • Advanced conversations: Discussions on current topics, holding debates and giving argumentative speeches.
  • Writing essays and reports: Writing longer texts on various topics with clear argumentation and structure.
  • Preparation for language certificates: Support in preparing for Turkish exams such as the TÖMER or the Turkish ÖSD certificate.

Turkish tutoring during your studies

Are you in the middle of your studies and feel challenged in your Turkish lessons? Don’t worry, we’re here to support you! Our Turkish tutoring is specifically designed to prepare you for your academic and professional goals.

We can help you prepare for your Turkish exams in the best possible way, be it for written exams, term papers or oral exams. Our experienced tutors know the requirements of the course and will help you to reach your full potential.

With us, you will not be treated as just another number. Our tutors respond to your individual needs and develop customized learning plans that are tailored to you.

We know that student life is often hectic. That’s why we offer flexible lesson times that can be adapted to your schedule. Whether in the morning, afternoon or evening – we will find the right date for you.

Topic overview

  • Academic Turkish: Acquisition of specialist terminology and writing skills for academic use in various fields of study.
  • Intercultural communication: In-depth discussions on cultural differences, intercultural challenges and effective communication strategies.
  • Linguistic subtleties: Refining language skills through the study of idioms, expressions and stylistic features.
  • History of literature and cultural studies: Study of Turkish literary history, cultural development and its impact on modern society.
  • Project work and presentations: Development and presentation of research projects on various aspects of Turkish culture, history or current issues.

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Choose the right package for you

Online tutoring made for you:
No subscriptions, no long terms, free & uncomplicated.

Starter package

Starter package

Perfect for one-off use or to try out.

from 24,99 €

per teaching unit

Package of 20

Perfect for short-term requirements, without large gaps

from 23,99 €

per teaching unit

Package of 40

Perfect for medium-term requirements with few to moderate gaps

from 22,99 €

per teaching unit
