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Spanish Tutoring Online

Learn effectively with MyOnlineTutor now!

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11 million

supported families

Learning Spanish made easy!

With MyOnlineTutor you will discover the joy of learning Spanish. Our experienced tutors will help you improve your language skills quickly and effectively – whether you are a beginner, intermediate or student.

Why study with MyOnlineTutor?

  • Qualified Teachers: All our teachers are native Spanish teachers with many years of experience in tutoring.
  • Flexible lesson times: You learn online and at your own pace. This allows you to arrange your study times flexibly and adapt them to your everyday life.
  • Individual support: We create an individual curriculum for each student, tailored to their needs and learning goals.
  • Free trial lesson: Try our tutoring for free and without obligation.

Start your journey into the world of the Spanish language now!

Schedule a free trial lesson today and learn Spanish with MyOnlineTutor.


What are the advantages of online tutoring?

Online tutoring offers many advantages over traditional tutoring. You learn from anywhere, save time and money, and can arrange your study times flexibly.

How does online tutoring work at MyOnlineTutor?

Online tutoring takes place via our web-based platform. All you need is a computer with internet access.

Free trial lesson – try us out!

Choose the right package for you

Online tutoring made for you:
No subscriptions, no long terms, free & uncomplicated.

Starter package

Starter package

Perfect for one-off use or to try out.

from 24,99 €

per teaching unit

Package of 20

Perfect for short-term requirements, without large gaps

from 23,99 €

per teaching unit

Package of 40

Perfect for medium-term requirements with few to moderate gaps

from 22,99 €

per teaching unit
