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Tutoring in politics

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Welcome to the politics tutoring, where complex political concepts and topics are made understandable. Our dedicated team of tutors are ready to help you understand the world of politics and set you up for success.

Get targeted support for your understanding of politics with our one-to-one tutoring. Our experienced tutors will help you understand complex policy concepts and prepare for exams in the best possible way. Whether you’re struggling with political theories, current events, or understanding political systems, we’re here to help.

Learn what politics really means and how it affects our daily lives. Our tutors will help you understand the basics and guide you on the path to a deeper understanding.

Our tutoring for all educational levels at a glance

Politics Tutoring in Middle School

The topic of politics is important in middle school because it helps students understand how societies and political systems work. Through politics classes, they learn how democracy works, how to express their opinions, and how to advocate for positive change in their community. In addition, political education fosters critical thinking and an understanding of global challenges, which helps students make informed decisions and actively participate in shaping their future.

Topic overview

  • Introduction to Political Systems: Comparison of different political systems such as democracy, dictatorship and monarchy. Explanation of the operation and characteristics of these systems.
  • State structure and organs: Deepening the understanding of the structure and tasks of states. Analysis of the various state organs such as executive, legislative and judiciary.
  • Fundamental Rights and Constitution: Explanation of the importance of fundamental rights and their enshrinement in the Constitution. Discussion on the rights and duties of citizens in a democracy.
  • Parties and elections: Investigation of the role of political parties in the democratic system. Analysis of electoral procedures and participation as well as discussion of the importance of elections for democracy.
  • Political ideologies: Presentation of different political ideologies such as liberalism, conservatism and socialism. Discussion about the different approaches to shaping society and politics.
  • International Relations and Conflicts: Study of relations between states and the role of international organizations such as the United Nations. Analysis of current conflicts and possibilities for conflict resolution.
  • Media and Politics: Reflection on the role of the media in the formation of political opinion. Analysis of media formats such as newspapers, television and social media and discussion of their influence on public opinion.
  • Environmental and climate policy: Raising awareness of environmental issues and the importance of environmental protection. Discussion on policy measures to address environmental and climate crises at national and international level.

Political Tutoring in High School

In high school, politics plays a key role in the development of a sound understanding of complex social processes. Students immerse themselves in political structures, learn critical thinking and ignite their passion for social engagement. Political education is therefore an essential building block for the preparation of young adults for their future role as active citizens.

Topic overview

  • Political Systems and Ideologies: In-depth analysis of different political systems such as democracy, autocracy and totalitarianism. Study of political ideologies such as liberalism, conservatism, and socialism and their impact on society.
  • International Relations and Globalization: Examining global political processes and challenges such as migration, climate change, and trade policy. Analysis of international organizations such as the United Nations and their role in solving global problems.
  • Political Theory and Philosophy: Examination of political theories and philosophical concepts such as justice, freedom and power. Discussion of different political thinkers and their contributions to the understanding of politics.
  • Politics and Economy: Analysis of the interactions between politics and economics. Examination of policy decisions and economic impacts, as well as the role of governments in regulating the economy.
  • Human Rights and Democracy: Deepening the understanding of human rights and democratic principles. Discussion on the importance of fundamental rights, the rule of law and democratic institutions for a just society.
  • Media and Politics: Analysis of the role of the media in political opinion formation and communication. Study of media formats such as news, social media, and propaganda, as well as their influence on public opinion.
  • Political Participation and Engagement: Discussion on forms of political participation and the importance of engagement for democracy. Study of protest movements, lobbying and political activism.
  • Recent political developments: Analysis of current political events and trends on a national and international level. Discussion on the impact of current political developments on society and the future of politics.

Political tutoring during your studies

As a budding political scientist, you’ll be on the cusp of a fascinating journey through the worlds of political theory, international relations, public policy, and more. This course is your springboard to explore the depths and heights of the political landscape and develop you into true experts in your field.

Topic overview

  • Political Theory and History of Ideas: In-depth analysis of political ideologies, from antiquity to the present, including liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and feminism. Discussion on the historical development of political concepts and their impact on today’s political landscape.
  • International Relations and Global Governance: Examination of global political processes, institutions and actors. Analysis of topics such as international security, development policy, human rights and environmental issues. Discussion on the role of organisations such as the United Nations, the European Union and international non-governmental organisations.
  • Political Institutions and Systems: Study of national and regional systems of government, including legislative, executive, and judicial. Analysis of the functioning of democracies, autocracies and other political systems. Discussion on political reforms, institutional change and regime change.
  • Public Policy and Political Economy: Study of the emergence, implementation and evaluation of public policies in various policy areas such as health, education, economics and the environment. Analysis of political decision-making processes, interest group politics and political economic theories.
  • Political Communication and Media Policy: Research on the role of the media in political opinion formation and communication. Analysis of media formats such as news, social media, and political advertising. Discussion on issues of media ethics, diversity of opinion and regulation.
  • Policy Methods and Research: Introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods in political science. Study of surveys, experiments, case studies and statistical analysis. Application of research techniques to policy issues and preparation of research papers.
  • Current political debates and events: Analysis of current political events, developments and debates at national and international level. Discussion of current political trends, challenges and future prospects.

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