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French Tutoring

Individual, interactive, inspiring – that’s what makes learning French fun!

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active tutors

11 million

supported families

Do you want to master the language of Molière? Our highly qualified tutors are ready to help you. From basic grammar to fluent conversation, we have the perfect program for you.

In our French tutoring, we offer competent lessons for every student, regardless of age or level. Our experienced tutors are highly qualified and have extensive knowledge of the French language and culture. They specialize in creating customized learning plans tailored to each student’s specific needs. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics of the language or an advanced student looking to deepen and refine your skills, we’ve got you covered. Through our tailor-made teaching, our students can reach their full potential and successfully achieve their goals.

Our tutoring for all educational levels at a glance

French tutoring for native primary school speakers

Discover French in a playful way

In our primary school tutoring, the youngest students are immersed in the world of the French language in a playful way. Our experienced teachers use interactive methods to teach basics such as numbers, colors, and simple sentences. With fun and enthusiasm, the children learn through play and at the same time develop a love for French culture.

Topic overview

  • Basics of the French language: Introduction to French pronunciation, alphabet and basic vocabulary.
  • Simple conversations: Everyday conversations about topics such as family, school, hobbies, and food.
  • Game-based learning: Interactive games and activities to practice the language in a playful way and arouse the interest of young learners

Intermediate French Tutoring

Mastering grammar and vocabulary

In the intermediate level, the basics of the French language are deepened and expanded. Our qualified tutors support students in improving their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Through targeted exercises and individual attention, we help students consolidate grammatical concepts, expand their vocabulary and prepare for the challenges of teaching French in middle school.

Topic overview

  • Grammar and sentence structure: Deepening grammar rules, including verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and sentence constructions.
  • Reading: Analysis of simple texts and short stories to improve reading comprehension and expand vocabulary.
  • Writing and Expression: Writing short essays, letters, or dialogues to develop writing skills and encourage creativity.

French Tutoring in Upper School

Improve conversation and text comprehension

High school often brings challenging topics such as literature, culture, and complex grammar. Our experienced tutors specialize in helping students overcome these challenges. We offer support in analysing texts, preparing for oral presentations and deepening the understanding of complex grammatical structures. With our help, students can take their French to a higher level and successfully prepare for exams and final papers.

Topic overview

  • Advanced grammar and syntax: More complex grammar topics such as subjunctive, subjunctive, complex sentence structures, and indirect speech.
  • Literature and Culture: Study of works of French literature and discussion of cultural topics such as art, music, film and history.
  • Exam: Targeted preparation for exams such as the DELF/DALF (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française / Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) or baccalaureate examinations.

French tutoring during your studies

Master French during your studies – with our professional support!

Whether it’s a mandatory language requirement or to deepen your language skills to study in French-speaking countries, our French tutoring for students offers tailor-made support. Our qualified tutors help students refine their communication skills, understand academic texts, and prepare for oral exams. We also provide support in specific areas of expertise such as business French or French literature. With our help, students can achieve their goals in their studies and prepare themselves for a successful professional future.

Topic overview

  • Subject-specific French: Adapting teaching to the needs of students in specific disciplines such as economics, politics, art or medicine.
  • Academic Writing: Help with academic writing, research papers, presentations and academic discussions in French.
  • Linguistic subtleties and nuances: Refinement of language skills through discussions on complex topics, cultural differences, and current events in French-speaking countries.

Our qualified tutor specializes in tailoring lessons to the student’s specific needs and level to ensure an effective and personalized learning experience.

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Choose the right package for you

Online tutoring made for you:
No subscriptions, no long terms, free & uncomplicated.

Starter package

Starter package

Perfect for one-off use or to try out.

from 24,99 €

per teaching unit

Package of 20

Perfect for short-term requirements, without large gaps

from 23,99 €

per teaching unit

Package of 40

Perfect for medium-term requirements with few to moderate gaps

from 22,99 €

per teaching unit
