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Tutoring in Latin

Individual, interactive, inspiring – that’s what makes learning Latin fun!

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Immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of the ancient world with our Latin online tutoring! Our aim is not only to teach you the language itself, but also to give you a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical background from which Latin originates. By studying ancient texts, works of art and philosophical ideas, you will not only improve your language skills, but also gain a fascinating insight into the world of antiquity. Our experienced tutors are passionate ambassadors of the Latin language and look forward to revealing the secrets of this fascinating world to you.

Our tutoring for all educational levels at a glance

Optimize your learning time and maximize your progress with our effective Latin tutoring! Our structured curriculum, combined with individual coaching and high-quality learning resources, ensures that every minute of your learning time is used optimally. With our proven method, you can reach your learning goals faster and develop your full potential in Latin!

Latin tutoring in the intermediate level

Learn Latin with ease and pleasure

For intermediate students, we offer customized Latin online tutoring tailored to each student’s individual needs and learning styles. Our experienced tutors help students to deepen their understanding of Latin grammar, expand their vocabulary and improve their translation skills. Interactive learning methods and practical exercises make Latin lessons lively and exciting, motivating students to do their best and reach their full potential.

By focusing on the following topics in online Latin lessons, middle school students can not only improve their language skills, but also develop a deeper understanding of the Latin language and culture:

Topic overview

  • Basics of Latin Grammar: A thorough introduction to the basics of Latin grammar, including the declension of nouns, conjugation of verbs, formation of adjectives and sentence structure.
  • Vocabulary expansion: Targeted exercises to expand your Latin vocabulary by learning new words and phrases and using them correctly in sentences and texts.
  • Translation techniques: Teaching effective translation techniques and strategies to help students systematically analyze, understand and translate Latin texts into German.
  • Reading Comprehension: Promoting reading comprehension through the joint reading and interpretation of original Latin texts from different periods and genres, including prose, poetry and historical texts.
  • Cultural background: In-depth insights into the culture, history and society of ancient Rome to develop a broader understanding of the historical, political and social contexts of Latin texts.
  • Contextualization of texts: Analyzing Latin texts in relation to their historical and literary context in order to understand the meaning and relevance of the content for today.
  • Active communication: to promote oral and written communication skills in Latin to encourage students to actively participate in class and express their own thoughts and ideas.

Latin tutoring in the upper school

Successfully pass the Latin exam with our support

The upper school years are an important time for students to deepen their knowledge of Latin and prepare for exams and the Abitur. Our online Latin tutoring for high school students offers targeted support to help them master the challenges of the subject with confidence.

In the upper level of Latin, more advanced topics are usually covered, which aim to deepen the students’ understanding of the Latin language, literature and culture and prepare them for more demanding tasks. Typical topics include:

Topic overview

  • Advanced grammar: Advanced grammar topics such as complex sentence structures, indirect speech, different types of subordinate clauses, as well as the subtleties of stylistics and sentence constructions.
  • Translation exercises of demanding Latin texts, including literary works and historical writings
  • Literary analysis: Intensive analysis and interpretation of Latin texts from different literary periods and genres, including prose, poetry, historical and philosophical texts.
  • Classical authors and works: Study of important works and authors from the history of Latin literature such as Caesar, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Seneca and others in order to become familiar with a broad spectrum of literary styles and themes.
  • Topics of antiquity: In-depth examination of certain topics and motifs of the ancient world such as love, power, death, friendship, politics, war and philosophy as they are dealt with in Latin texts.
  • Historical context: Examination of the historical, political, social and cultural context of the ancient world in order to understand the meaning and relevance of Latin texts for their time and for today.
  • Rhetoric and argumentation: Analysis of rhetorical techniques and argumentation strategies in Latin texts as well as practical exercises in writing and interpreting speeches and arguments.
  • Exam preparation: Targeted preparation for Abitur exams, written exams and other exam formats in Latin, including the development of exam strategies and techniques.

Latin tutoring during your studies

Latin tutoring at the highest level for aspiring philologists

For students of classical philology and related subjects, we offer sophisticated Latin online tutoring at university level. Our experienced tutors help students to improve their Latin skills, analyze complex texts and prepare research projects. Through intensive discussions and academic supervision, students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and establish themselves as experts in their field. With our professional support, students can achieve their academic goals and prepare for a successful career in the world of classical philology.

Topic overview

  • Advanced grammar and syntax: In-depth analysis and discussion of complex grammatical structures and syntactic constructions to develop a deeper understanding of the structure and functioning of the Latin language.
  • Literary texts and authors: study of selected works and authors from the history of Latin literature, including their historical and literary significance and their relevance for modern research and interpretation.
  • Themes of the ancient world: Examination of certain themes and motifs of the ancient world such as mythology, philosophy, politics, history, religion and everyday life as they are treated in Latin texts.
  • Text interpretation and analysis: Intensive analysis and interpretation of selected Latin texts, taking into account their stylistic features, literary techniques, historical contexts and thematic aspects.
  • Translation techniques and strategies: Further development of effective translation techniques and strategies as well as practical exercises in translating and interpreting challenging Latin texts from various literary genres.
  • Research methods and resources: Introduction to basic research methods and resources in the field of Latin philology and classical philology to prepare students for independent research projects.
  • Contextualization and reception: Examination of the reception of Latin texts in various historical and cultural contexts and their significance for the development of Western culture and civilization.
  • Exam preparation and academic writing: Targeted preparation for exams, written exams and final papers in Latin as well as support with academic writing and research projects.

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Online tutoring made for you:
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Starter package

Starter package

Perfect for one-off use or to try out.

from 24,99 €

per teaching unit

Package of 20

Perfect for short-term requirements, without large gaps

from 23,99 €

per teaching unit

Package of 40

Perfect for medium-term requirements with few to moderate gaps

from 22,99 €

per teaching unit
